Wednesday, 11 April 2007

The Present Day Ministry of Jesus Christ

1. Jesus Christ, Our High Priest
2. Jesus Christ, Our Advocate
3. Jesus Christ, Our Intercessor
4. Jesus Christ, Our Shepherd

When we understand that the present day ministry of Jesus is more than what happened at the cross some 2000 years ago, but rather a life giving relevant for today ministry. Knowing that Jesus as our Intercessor and Mediator, no man can reach the Father no other way except through Christ.

Bro Hagin shares through many scripture references that God has already provided the healing that one needs, and that just doing good works will not get you healed. If it was only good works that would get us healed, why would we need Jesus.

Knowing the present day ministry of Jesus as our shepherd releases the power to literally live in victory in every area of our lives. Bro. Hagin teaches from both the Old and New Testament about Jesus as our the shepherd, the good shepherd. Based on this, Bro Hagin exhorts the reader to see themselves the way God sees us. We may see ourselves as sick, but God sees us healed. To know the ministry of Jesus is to see ourselves the way God sees us.

This pocket sized book has 65 pages, and is in its thirteenth printing.

To buy this product The Present Day Ministry of Jesus Christ within Australia or from USA.

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